Continuing on the food tour: Bryce and I ate at the smallest (and perhaps best) hamburger joint...aptly titled: Burger Joint. It's behind a red velvet curtain, within a fancy hotel (Le Parke Meridian) in Manhattan. Right off the Avenue of the Americas. All the while, you're waiting in line, with this tiny mystery growing closer and closer around the bend. Once in the door, the menu is simple: burgers. You get your choice of the normal toppings, what temperature you want it..and then the fry option...and if you're feeling extravagant (and if they haven't run out of icecream)--milkshakes! While you're slinking in, everyone's keeping their eyes peeled for open tables...the restaurant is no bigger than one of those gas stations that just has gas and a coke machine...tiny, right? So, when a table gets up (and clears their own trash, at the risk of being heckled!) there are already 3 people swooping down on it. I feel like burger joint is a fair example of New York, in general. There's no room, yet people find a way to make room. Buildings and businesses are stacked and coupled together (sometimes awkwardly, but that's part of the charm. it's like, "Oh, you need a place? Okay, lemme scoot over. now there's room for the both of us.") There is no pretense of "personal space," and elbow room is an empty term. Being from West Virginia, where mountains are the only thing to bring about claustrophobia, it's an entirely different mindset. Even in Nashville, which is supposedly a "city," there are more parking lots than parking garages. Everything is (for the most part) still built on a level plane (three stories or less), aside from the condos and a couple downtown buildings.
All in all, the trip was a huge success. I just need to go back and buy this necklace I forgot to get...and still think about. We'll see if it's still there next time.
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